Papers submitted
Amalokwu, K, Papageorgiou, G, Chapman, M & Best A. Modelling ultrasonic laboratory measurements of the saturation dependence of elastic modulus: new insights and implications for wave propagation mechanisms. (Submitted to International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control).
Papageorgiou, G, & Chapman, M. Wave propagation in rocks saturated by two immiscible fluids. (Submitted to Geophysical Journal International).
White, J, Williams, G & Chadwick, A. Seismic amplitude analysis provides new insights into CO2 plume morphology at the Snøhvit CO2 injection operation. (Submitted to International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control).
Zhaoyu, J, Chapman, M, Papageorgiou, G & Wu, X. Impacts of frequency-dependent anisotropy on P-wave reflections from a thin layer. (Submitted to Journal of Applied Geophysics).